Sunday, October 5, 2008

Those Damn Shiftless Ni**ers!!!

Holy sh*t... I'm sitting here with my kinfolk Big Worms, and we're watching George Snuffalupakis... George Will just said that the reason we're in this financial mess is that government regulations created an environment where lenders were accused of being racists if they didn't lend to unqualified irresponsible minority voters... aha, we have DVR... I'll quote him exactly...

"Much of the crisis we're in today is because the government set out to fiddle the market. That is. We had regulation in effect, legislation that would criminalize as racism and discrimination if you didn't lend to non-productive borrowers. We had, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac existed to, well, to rig the housing market because the market would not have put people into homes they couldn't afford."

Seriously, I have acknowledged that many poor people took on debt that they couldn't really afford... and I realize that when a lot of people default on loans at the same time, that plays a role in tightening credit markets... but all kinds of people bit off more than they could chew... poor people of all colors, middle class people of all colors, etc...

But what's most irritating is that far right closet racists point to irresponsible poor black people as the primary culprit... I mean, the federal government took on an additional $6 trillion in debt during the last 7 years that they couldn't pay back without creating additional dollars out of thin air, which has collapsed our currency... again, of course poor people, some of whom are black, took on loans they shouldn't have... but does anyone really believe that the poor black people who have defaulted on loans collectively approach anywhere even fu**ing close to $6 trillion?

The Neo-Conservative scapegoating of poor black people is eerily reminiscent of a certain Austrian artist with only one testicle and a very silly mustache... let it be known that if you find yourself getting really worked up about the damn shiftless irresponsible poor people (read: ni**ers), you're a racist... and if you get really worked up about being accused of being a racist, then you're a gutless, two-faced hypocrite who fails miserably in the admittedly difficult task of honest self evaluation... seriously, it's OK to be a racist... I really mean that... we live in a free country, and you have a right to think and express yourself in any fashion you see fit... just don't be a fu**ing pu**y and try to deny who you are... and if you're ashamed of who you are, then feel free to change who you are, as America can't have too many citizens who make an earnest effort to be fair minded and judge each person "not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character..."

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