Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween Party

My boss had his annual Halloween Party on Saturday night, and my co-worker and I decided to go as Barack Obama and Joe Biden... we were too cheap to spend money on a costume... and too lazy to think of a creative costume anyway... so, we slapped on some suits and off we went...

We actually did get a little creative by adding handwritten stickers all over our suits (and one each on our forehead)... here's the rundown of the stickers:


I Love Homos and Terrorists (on the forehead)

Franklin Raines is My Cousin

We People Have Lots of Cousins

I Love Louis Farrakhan

But Not as Much as I Love Karl Marx


I'm from Scranton (on the forehead... side note... this obvious clue line to achieve instant recognition about who I was supposed to be had little if any effect... I kept getting asked, "Are you Al Gore?" Look, just because I'm liberal, wearing a suit, have a lovely full head of hair, and am horribly overweight doesn't make me Al Gore...)

1929: The Year FDR Invented the Television

Colin Powell: Clearly Not Patriotic

God Hates Liberals

But Not as Much as Jesus Hates Poor People

Well, my boss lives in the fancy part of town (fancy is relative... Easton, PA, and really PA as a whole, don't so much have any fancy parts), so many of his guests from the neighborhood were of the Republican persuasion... so, our costumes sparked a lot of controversy, and some great drunken conversations... I'll share some of the highlights...

First, we talked about socialism and redistribution of wealth... I took their legs out from under them by agreeing completely that the tax rates under Jimmy Carter for top earners were repressive, unfair, and unwise, as a 70% tax rate makes people just want to quit working... but then I asked them if they think the top 1% of earners constitute the "liberal elite" or if they think the top 1% typically votes Republican... needless to say, they eagerly agreed that nearly all of the top 1% are a part of the George Soros "liberal elite" (editor's note: the idea that the top earners vote Democrat is one of the most absurd lies that large amounts of sheep, er, people have ever believed and repeated)... I then asked, if the top earners are the ones who will be affected by this evil commie plot to redistribute wealth, but these same top earners support the liberal platform and seemingly have no problem with returning to the 39.6% rate we had under Slick Willie, then why in the f**k are Republicans who fall outside of the top tax bracket so upset about it? Seriously, this makes no sense... of course, the truth is that a HUGE majority of top earners vote Republican because they want to keep their cash... and these same top earners have done a magnificent job of manipulating stupid people into voting outside of their own interests by pumping up the talking points of "socialism" and "wealth redistribution"...

I'll share my favorite conversation before I sign off... I met a "small" business owner at the party (I say "small" because almost as soon as he claimed that title, he started bragging about all of his multi-million dollar government contracts) who had his panties in a bunch about the small business tax increase... it was a very funny back and forth... for the first 15 minutes I just listened to him rant about how with higher taxes, he'll lose his motivation to work hard, he'll have to lay people off, he'll create tax shelters and move his assets overseas, and eventually be forced to close up shop... he was eloquent, and passionate... I mean, the guy really believed what he was saying... I then asked if he knew about the Laffer Curve, which tries to predict the exact percentage at which taxation will decrease productivity and therefore tax revenue... he was well aware, as the Laffer Curve is the basis for "supply side" or "trickle down" economic theory... so, then I asked him if his business was able to grow and prosper prior to the 2001 tax cuts... and if he had to lay people off or create tax shelters or shut his business down when the tax rate was 39.6%... and then we talked about the overall economic growth when the rate was 39.6%, and how there is absolutely no evidence that 39.6% falls on the wrong side of the Laffer Curve... he looked sick to his stomach when he couldn't disagree with anything I said... my Lord, how the Republicans hate logic, reasoning, and facts...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This is the toughest issue out there... and it's an important enough issue that I find the extent to which far right wing political leaders exploit this issue to manipulate their followers to be absolutely disgraceful...

When does life begin? That's obviously the fundamental question... and the scientific evidence seems to be contradictory and most of the information out there seems to be politically motivated...

I don't believe that life begins at conception... I do realize that once the egg is fertilized, it will grow into a human... I just think that line of thought is dangerous, because it could be extended to include the sperm and the egg before fertilization... after all, sperm that is "wasted" in recreational pursuits rather than in procreational pursuits had the potential to become a human as well... but I don't think we should prosecute men who deliberately ejaculate (this topic is so sensitive that I'm trying to be all proper and sh*t) and therefore waste genetic material that could have produced a child...

I remember an anti-abortion advertisement from my childhood that I found to be very effective... it said simply that "abortion stops a beating heart"... this always made sense to me... and it always seemed wrong to me... after all, a great measure of a society is how it treats its weakest members, and who could be weaker than an unborn child? So, the question becomes in my mind- "When does the heart begin beating?"

According to the one website I could find that seems to be based strictly on science rather than propaganda, the heart begins to beat at 5 weeks after conception:

As such, I am totally comfortable with outlawing abortion after the 5 week point, assuming that there's some scientific agreement about this time frame... to me, once the heart begins beating, abortion is wrong... that's my opinion...

Does this mean that I favor overturning Roe v. Wade? I don't know... I haven't even read the ruling... I will say, though, that I would definitely support some measures to try to make abortion less prevalent...

For example, why not have a waiting period? The mother to be must register with the clinic, at which time the clinic presents her with alternatives like adoption and educates her about the specifics of the procedure itself... then, after registration, the mother to be must wait 24 hours after registering before actually having the procedure... considering the stakes, and trying to weigh the mother's rights versus the unborn baby's rights, I don't think the waiting period along with the educational proposals are too much to ask...

I don't know... again, this is an enormously tough issue to me... what do y'all think?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Random Thought...

As a fat person, I think sometimes about the obesity crisis we face in America (like, especially when I accidentally see myself naked in the mirror- sooooo gross), and I wonder what happened... we haven't always been a society of great big fat people... there are a lot of theories, and I think that one of the best ones involves the variety of indoor entertainment options that are available today... when I was a kid, we had TV, but it had rabbit ears with tin foil... as for home video game systems, there was the Atari 2600 and Intellivision, both of which pretty much sucked... these days, however, kids have satellite TV, Nintendo, the internet, DVD's, and a whole lot of other pretty good reasons to avoid exercise... when I drive around neighborhoods, I just don't see very many kids playing football in the front yard, or hoops in the driveway, or tackle the man, or anything... so, I think it's fairly obvious that an indoor entertainment revolution has led to less exercise, and that less exercise has contributed to how fat we are as a country...

But you want to know what? I think that a lack of natural foods are the bigger culprit... and if I could pinpoint just one food that I think is killing us, it's corn syrup... corn syrup has been substituted for sugar nearly universally because it is so much less expensive... and if you trace the beginning of the child obesity epidemic, I'll bet you that the expansion of corn syrup and the reduction of cane sugar coincides almost exactly...

So here's my random idea... outlaw corn syrup, and expand the production of corn-based ethanol... this way, you could bring an alternative fuel to the market right away without overly affecting the price of corn because the ethanol will fill the void in corn consumption that the new law creates... of course, sweet foods would become a little more expensive as sugar cane became more prevalent... but if we can help reduce our dependence on foreign oil while simultaneously helping to fight the obesity epidemic, isn't that easily worth it?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Left Wing Redneck...

Obviously, I'm a pretty left wing liberal guy in many regards, especially socially... but I'm also an absolute redneck in many regards as well... and when it comes to our prison at Guantanamo Bay, I make Dick Cheney look like Dennis Kucinich...

I keep hearing all this madness about closing down Guantanamo and how evil torture is and all kinds of other sissy bulls**t... I'll tell you my opinion- the Constitution and the Bill of Rights should only be applicable to US citizens... as such, I don't think the prisoners at Guantanamo have a right to Habeas Corpus, or an attorney, or a speedy trial, or a fair trial, or any trial at all... I know, I know... the Geneva Convention provides a framework for the ethical treatment of foreign prisoners... but let me tell you something that should already be obvious if you're paying attention- I don't give a f**k about the f**king Geneva Convention...

Well, let me back up... if we're fighting an enemy that abides by the Geneva Convention, then we should too... but I think we need our enemies to understand that if they torture one single American boy, then we will torture the ever living sh*t out of every single f**king surrogate we possibly can until you knock that sh*t off... I want our enemies to know that we're always happy to take the gloves off if that's what they want... to quote the great Mike Singletary, I want our enemies to know that "we like them kind of parties."

As for the perception that this policy would cost us our moral authority, I would argue that our enemies apparently aren't too impressed with our high horse in the first place... and besides, I'm a pragmatist and an Old Testament guy anyway... seriously, when they cut people's heads off and broadcast it on the internet, I literally have no problem with doing the exact same thing...

And if you think that's extreme/insane, you'll love this... here would be my policy on civilian casualties... the first time you indiscriminately kill a US civilian, I would order the random death by bombing of 10 times the number of your innocent civilians... the second time, I would order the death of 100 times the number of your innocent civilians... the third time, it would be 1000 times, and the fourth time, it would be 10,000 times, and so on... and if you kept killing US civilians, I would eventually wipe your entire population off the face of the planet...

I told you I was a redneck... I do want to point out, though, that I look at military deaths quite differently... whether people want to admit it or not, we are at war, and the people we're fighting don't hate us without reason... like it or not, we helped start this war through our aggressive foreign policy/meddling/nation building and our support for Israel... as such, I would never unfairly retaliate and kill your innocents for attacks on our military targets... the bombings of the USS Cole, the Pentagon, or arguably even the US Embassy in Somalia were in my opinion the legitimate cost of waging war... the US has provoked the Islamic extremists in many ways, so of course they're going to fight back... but the bombing of the World Trade Center, on the other hand, was a calculated act of violence against a non-military target... as such, within hours of the attack that left around 3000 civilians dead, I would have ordered the random death by bombing of 30,000 civilians in the no man's land between Afghanistan and Pakistan... and when they retaliated, which they definitely would have, our next strike would carry 100 times the civilian casualties, and so on...

We arguably started this war, which we clearly shouldn't have... but I can promise you 2 things if King Pete were in charge... one, we'd let our enemy set the rules and then we would damn sure play by them... and two, regardless of who started the war, we would damn sure finish it... I can almost hear Lee Greenwood singing right now... man, this post makes me feel patriotic!!!!

Debate Strategy...

I know this will never happen, but here's what Barack should say if McCain wants to bring up Ayers, Reverend Wright, etc...

"I'm happy to talk about any alleged association in my political career. But I want to point something out first. John McCain is friendly with Senator Larry Craig. We have many pictures of them smiling and shaking hands. They are old compatriots and allies from their years together in the Senate. Does this mean that John McCain likes to suck d*ck in airport rest rooms? Of course not. The association game is a ridiculous, unfair, and never-ending two way street. I'm not surprised that Senator McCain's campaign advisers encouraged him to employ these small minded tactics, but I am surprised and disappointed that he acquiesced to their lowest common denominator inclinations. John, you're so much better than this, and it's a shame that you let your political team drag you down with them."

After that point, he should be candid about any association that McCain or the moderator asks about... I do also think he should point out that Republican operatives and Fox News researchers (is there a difference here?) likely reviewed thousands of hours of Reverend Wright's sermons, and they apparently only found 3 sound bites that were inflammatory (presumably, if they found more than 3, they would have used them too)... so, when Barack says he never heard anything outrageous come out of Reverend Wright's mouth, it's not as unbelievable as it sounds at first... unless there is proof that Barack was in attendance at one of the 3 sermons where Reverend Wright made objectionable comments, then what's the big deal? I mean, I do realize that Republicans are desperate to make Barack look like a militant black demagogue... but still... whatever...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Health Care...

Boy, this is another topic that the Democrats are completely butchering... I think I know what Barack is trying to say, but boy is he ever saying it poorly... by being vague about his plan- all I have really heard him say is that he wants congress to provide the same coverage to every American that it provides for itself... the problem with this plan is that it sounds like a massive new government bureaucracy with increased spending and government control... by doing such a lousy job of articulating his plan, he has opened the door for and even legitimized Republican attacks of "big government liberal" and "socialized medicine..." here's what he should say:

"The far right Neo-Conservative propaganda machine loves to deliberately misrepresent my health care plan as 'Socialized Medicine.' They hope you don't pay attention to reality and they hope you'll ignore even the very definition of their invalid accusation. You see, under a socialist health care system, hospitals are state owned, doctors are government employees, and you have no choice whatsoever regarding your health care coverage. I have never and will never advocate anything even remotely related to a socialist health care agenda because America's market-based philosophy has created the best health care system in the world. And I understand completely that by definition, a socialist platform removes profits from the equation. As such, going away from a free market approach would attract fewer and less talented doctors and would reduce if not eliminate the motive for pharmaceutical companies to invest in life saving research and development. It is crystal clear in my mind that this would be an utter disaster for America.

At the same time, though, we must have the courage to confront the crisis of the uninsured, because even if you disagree about the moral imperative of universal health care, we must all agree that uninsured Americans place a tremendous but avoidable burden on our great country. My plan is simple and straight forward, and I'll use an analogy to illustrate my point. If you want to send a package to a friend, and you have excellent personal or corporate resources, you'll probably use Fed Ex or UPS because the free market is able to deliver better service but at a premium. On the other hand, if you need to send the same package, but you lack financial resources, you'll probably choose the US Postal Service, as they provide a similar service but at a much more affordable price. The US Postal Service is a great example of how public competition in the private sector can keep costs low without destroying the free market. In spite of the Postal Service, Fed Ex and UPS are able to sustain enormous annual profits. But because of the Postal Service, everyday Americans are able to send and receive mail, and Fed Ex and UPS are forced to keep their rates reasonable.

All I have ever advocated is to establish a degree of public non-profit competition in the private insurance sector. And just like the US Postal Service, you will only pay for the public insurance option if you choose to use it. We're not at all talking about new spending or new taxes or any sort of redistribution of wealth. If you like the health coverage you have, you keep it. But if you aren't happy with your coverage, or if your coverage is too expensive, or if you don't have any coverage at all, then you can purchase health insurance from the open plan. Because of free market principles, the open plan will be able to negotiate lower prices for health insurance. Just as Wal Mart buys cases of coffee at a much cheaper price than the local market, the open plan will be able to provide health care coverage "in bulk" so to speak, thereby furnishing basic coverage at an affordable price. And just as the non-profit US Postal Service forces Fed Ex and UPS to keep their prices competitive, so will the open insurance plan force private insurance companies to lower their premiums.

This plan will not affect doctor salaries or profits for hospitals and pharmaceutical companies, nor will it increase government control or demand new and higher taxes. The only profits that will suffer are the windfall profits of the insurance giants, which will infuriate their CEO's and their lobbyists. But considering the stakes and the alternatives, that's a fight I'm willing to conduct and able to win."

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Race Relations...

Let's start here... when black people blame systematic racism for their troubles, it's counter-productive... you can't drive an excuse, you can't live in a crutch, and lowered expectations that come along with a persecution complex are neither helpful nor healthy... additionally, this perceived excuse-making plays right into the hands of the massive counter surge against political correctness and white guilt... right now, many white Americans are pissed off about affirmative action, and any other government program that seems to give preferential treatment to people of color... so, when black leaders "play the race card" so to speak, it pours kerosene an a growing racist bonfire that threatens to engulf the recent progress we've made as a country regarding race relations...

That having been said, we need to also agree as white people that the two-fold common place arguments of "slavery was a long time ago" and "get over it" are equal parts highly insensitive, historically ignorant, and morally shameful...

As for the "slavery was a long time ago" thing, I'll stipulate that slavery is in fact several generations in the past, if the white population in general will stipulate that the end of slavery did not mean the end of discrimination... most fair-minded educated white people are aware of poll taxes, Jim Crow laws, lynchings, and segregation as common examples that make the case against the "slavery was a long time ago" excuse for racist white people to continue their hateful ideology... but some lesser known examples involve low interest but large scale federal lending programs for home ownership and college education... the federal government basically created a generation of college educated home owners but excluded American black people from participating in any of these federal programs... not until Richard Nixon's presidency were American black people eligible for federal loans to buy their first home or send their children to college... as absolutely any sociologist can tell you, all empirical evidence suggests that if your parents graduated from college and own their own home, your chances of doing the same increase tangibly and dramatically... in other words, the federal government manufactured a huge percentage of the American middle class, but did not allow American black people to participate... so again, I agree that slavery was a long time ago... but the rest of white America has to begin realizing that methodical and legalized discrimination didn't end until the 1970's... and the 1970's was not "a long time ago..."

As for the "get over it" argument, I want to share a quick story from the family history of one of my dear friends... his mother and her parents stopped for gasoline on a road trip to visit relatives... my friend's mother had to use the restroom, but the attendant told her they had no colored restroom... that story really personalized our racial history in my mind, and it really got me thinking about why many black people are pissed off at America... I mean, if I lived in a country that wouldn't let my mother use a public restroom when she was a little girl, I'd be pissed off too... and nearly every American black person between the ages of 25 and 45 had parents who lived through segregation... really try to walk in those shoes for a few seconds... really think about it... your MOTHER spent her childhood in a country where her legal status was as a second class citizen, and where many white people treated her with hate and mean spiritedness... your MOTHER... and then some c*cksu**er in a suit on Fox News verbalizes or at the very least insinuates that you should suck it up and "get over it?" Get the f**k out of my face with that bu**sh*t...

I really think that if American black people would collectively stipulate that using historical prejudice as a weapon to fight modern race-based injustice is counter-productive, and if American white people would collectively stipulate that historical prejudice has a legitimate lasting effect on modern race-based inequality, it would go a long way toward building an America that affords equal opportunities and makes us all equally proud...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Those Damn Shiftless Ni**ers!!!

Holy sh*t... I'm sitting here with my kinfolk Big Worms, and we're watching George Snuffalupakis... George Will just said that the reason we're in this financial mess is that government regulations created an environment where lenders were accused of being racists if they didn't lend to unqualified irresponsible minority voters... aha, we have DVR... I'll quote him exactly...

"Much of the crisis we're in today is because the government set out to fiddle the market. That is. We had regulation in effect, legislation that would criminalize as racism and discrimination if you didn't lend to non-productive borrowers. We had, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac existed to, well, to rig the housing market because the market would not have put people into homes they couldn't afford."

Seriously, I have acknowledged that many poor people took on debt that they couldn't really afford... and I realize that when a lot of people default on loans at the same time, that plays a role in tightening credit markets... but all kinds of people bit off more than they could chew... poor people of all colors, middle class people of all colors, etc...

But what's most irritating is that far right closet racists point to irresponsible poor black people as the primary culprit... I mean, the federal government took on an additional $6 trillion in debt during the last 7 years that they couldn't pay back without creating additional dollars out of thin air, which has collapsed our currency... again, of course poor people, some of whom are black, took on loans they shouldn't have... but does anyone really believe that the poor black people who have defaulted on loans collectively approach anywhere even fu**ing close to $6 trillion?

The Neo-Conservative scapegoating of poor black people is eerily reminiscent of a certain Austrian artist with only one testicle and a very silly mustache... let it be known that if you find yourself getting really worked up about the damn shiftless irresponsible poor people (read: ni**ers), you're a racist... and if you get really worked up about being accused of being a racist, then you're a gutless, two-faced hypocrite who fails miserably in the admittedly difficult task of honest self evaluation... seriously, it's OK to be a racist... I really mean that... we live in a free country, and you have a right to think and express yourself in any fashion you see fit... just don't be a fu**ing pu**y and try to deny who you are... and if you're ashamed of who you are, then feel free to change who you are, as America can't have too many citizens who make an earnest effort to be fair minded and judge each person "not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character..."

Friday, October 3, 2008

I'm not drunk, you're drunk!!!

My favorite race-baiting Neo-Con talking point is that the economic catastrophe we're facing is largely attributable to shiftless, irresponsible American citizens (read: ni***rs) who borrowed money they couldn't pay back...  I agree that Economics 101 advises "don't spend more than you make".... expenses must not exceed revenues... of course, the biggest culprit of this self-defeating philosophy is the current Republican administration... (I don't have specifics, but it's my understanding that the debt has expanded from roughly 4 trillion in 2001 to roughly 10 trillion today)

The Neo-Cons basically operate a non-stop irony fest...