Tuesday, September 16, 2008

F***ing Democrats...

Why can't the Democrats get their s**t together? It's like the Republicans hand them the election on a silver platter, and they still can't dislodge their collective head from their collective arse long enough to speak simply and coherently and directly to the American people...

Everything Democrats do revolves around reacting to Republican tactics... the Republicans attack, and the Democrats whine about how mean and unfair the attacks are...

And when the Democrats do attack, they invariably pick the wrong issues... for example, they attack Sarah Palin for her lack of experience... Are they kidding? Regardless of which party or candidate you prefer, Sarah Palin does have more executive experience than does Barack Obama... in other words, the Democrat attack served to highlight Barack's biggest weakness and make his lack of experience dominate the news cycle (or at the least, their collective lack of experience has shared the news cycle)... right when the American people were ready to move past Barack's lack of experience, the Democrats move experience to the front and center of the presidential race... morons!!!!

What makes this line of attack especially awe inspiring in its sheer stupidity is that they could have attacked based on Barack's biggest strength... he is the candidate of change... and by picking Palin, McCain did the same thing he's been doing on most other issues since he lost in 2000- pandering to the lunatic fringe of his far-right wing base... socially, Sarah Palin is even further right than the James Dobson/Jerry Falwell (yes, I realize he's dead)/Pat Robertson crowd... and to make the VP pick about politics and catering to the far right base runs very counter to the formerly true but currently false premise of McCain the Maverick... and the Obama campaign should want to point this out... most unbiased, sensible people I know who follow politics agree that McCain was a maverick until he lost to the far right wing base and their candidate in 2000... since that time, he has worked his heart out to repair relationships with the far right folks, and as such hasn't been a maverick in a very long time (taxes, environmental protection, taking on lobbyists, etc)...

Now, the question remains- did McCain change his tune to give himself a chance to win the 2008 primary, or did he change his mind? If he has changed his tune, and plans to return to his roots of working across party lines, fighting for the middle and lower classes, taking on corporations and special interests, and rooting out corruption, then I say his campaign has been a brilliant ruse and I am frankly inclined to vote for him... but if he has changed his mind, then I think he's dangerous, and the label of "Bush's 3rd Term" is fair and accurate... but isn't this a question that the Obama campaign should be asking?

More to come... our next entry will be on the economy...


The Texas Batemans said...

Nice first post to open up the Schwetty-Blog. However, I am a bit disappointed that you didn't come out swinging with a fully featured F-Bomb in the title. Due to the censorship I give it a 4 out of 5 but the content was spot-on.

C. Robert Dimitri said...

It doesn't make much difference to me whether he's changed his "mind" or his "tune." Yes, the former is much more dangerous, but the old "straight talk express" shouldn't have to change his tune. I have little respect for McCain's integrity at this point, and the campaign tactics that he has allowed thus far only reinforce that.

MSBrewer said...

Pete, I find your analysis quite intriguing and agree with most. While I am not super thrilled with either parties candidates, I will vote for McCain in this election. I know, I know - you are saying out loud "but you always vote Republican." That may be the case, but as I age and have more insight to what is best for me in this election I seriously reviewed the candidates and voting for Obama would reak havoc on my potential earnings (28% capital gains tax - doesn't work for me - I'll never have an opportunity to sell my house in the next 8 years or invest in anything). And while I am considered a middle-class American, the tax cuts Obama is proposing won't effect my bottom line - I already have two kids and Andrew and I are both in school - we get enough tax credits and breaks that a middle-class Obama proposed tax cut doesn't help me out at all.

Can someone find a real candidate that speaks to the majority of us vs. candidates that speak to the far right and left which each of this year's candidates do???

JBH said...

I have something new to read every day. I've decided that I should become a politician. I'm really good at telling people what I'm gonna do. Enough is enough, I'm going to _________! It doesn't matter what I fill in the blank with, cause I'm not gonna do shit besides continue to eat, shit, and be moody.I'm guessing I'm a bit to uppity for an office that needs someone that represents common working people in middle America. If I'm not too uppity, I'm certainly an elitist. I was lost without my DVR/TV(44" Plasma)/air conditioning/porn(and not that low brow value pack porn with 4 hrs of crappy 80's porn for $9.99. I mean the $45 for 2 hours of porn that was filmed THIS YEAR!). My best attribute may be that I'm a guy you can have a beer with and see naked at the same time (If not me, then definitely my ugly whore of a sister). I love having informative political discussions with people, but I'm often left feeling empty because the information we receive from politicians is packaged crap that is more often then not useless recycled bullshit! I guess I should get back to my uppity job before my boss looks at my screen and sees that I'm doing everything except work and regrets hiring me instead of a much better qualified white guy. Love you man. JBH

Josh F said...

Pete, I love that you have started a blog and this is your first post. As you and I have discussed, disagreed, and even argueed I think you arguement is well thought out but I disagree in just a few areas.

High or low taxes is really a personal belief. Your right more revenue less taxes but less economic growth than previous years. Do you think the inverse is possible more taxes as well economic growth? 9/11 combined with bad economic moves is what has stunted economic growth, taxes would have probably only made this worse I don't see how they could help. And I also disagree, while I'm not positive, inflation is affected by the rate the fed sets for loans given to banks. The government prints a very specifc amount of money mainly to offset old damaged currency or to replace it with newer more counterfeit resistant currancy.

I do not know enough about McCain to truly be a fan of his but I know what democrat SOP is, higher taxes, more government, etc.etc.etc. Combine this with Obama's new consult the world approach I am worried about him. Today in the news Russia is supplying Iran with missles to protect their nuclear reactors. This combined with Iran's announcement to the world that they now have the capibilites to close off the Persian gulf should they be attacked and that they would retaliate against not only American interests but Israel also.

I would love to live in a world were all disagreements are handled peacefully through negoticiation. I realize that by and large republicans are assholes, even though I am one. But at the end of the day they do whats best for them, and usually whats best for everyone. Starting wars for oil, shitty, but with China and India along with rest of the world now needing oil there isn't going to be enough. I am for hybrids and new technology unfortunatly that technology is a minimum of 5-10years away. I guess what I am trying to say in all this blather is that Obama is who I want to vote for he wants to change the world which is beautiful, but I don't think he has the stomach to make the horrible decisions necessary to run the most powerful country in the world. I think that McCain does, that push come to shove he will do what it takes to keep the country running.